Holistic Healing for Fertility

If you've experienced the heartache of recurrent miscarriages, understanding your body is the first step towards healing. Here are three key tests to consider:

1️⃣ Progesterone Insufficiency Check : A luteal phase deficit or low progesterone levels could be at the root. Balancing hormones is crucial for a healthy pregnancy, and I'm here to guide you through personalized holistic solutions.

2️⃣ TSH Thyroid Levels: Proper thyroid function is vital. Hypothyroidism might be a silent obstacle. Let's explore your TSH levels together and work towards optimal thyroid balance for a harmonious conception.

3️⃣ Male Parameters Evaluation: Fertility is a team effort. Assessing sperm health—fragmentation, total count, morphology, and motility—is essential. I specialize in comprehensive care for both partners.

Embrace the journey to parenthood with holistic support. Together, we can navigate these challenges and pave the way for a healthier, happier future. #HolisticHealing #FertilitySupport #MindBodyBalance


The Silent Intruders: Hormone Disruptors or Xenoestrogens in the Environment